learning + growing together.

 and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another...hebrews 10:24-25

Join a Life Group and you will suddenly feel like you're home! We've got 4 Life Groups, which meet weekly, so you will be able to find one which works for your schedule. Due to Covid, our Life Groups meet via Zoom, with the exception of occasional in-person gathering of food and fellowship at the beach, a restaurant, or someone's home. During our zoom gatherings, we laugh as much as we learn, share our stories of hurt and joy and restoration, discover how the Word can help us through life, and pray for one another. It's one of the best ways, aside from Sunday service, to connect and build friendships.

 To join one of our Life Groups, please click on one of the "Contact Us" buttons below to request the zoom link for your group of choice.
Join Pastor JJ Jeffries for "The Locker Room", a Men's Bible Study held every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the church from 6pm - 7:30pm.
Any questions, please contact Pastor JJ by clciking on the link below.
Pastor Chuck & Mickey Adams will take you on a
”Journey In The Footsteps of Jesus"
every other Wednesday  at 6:30pm,
culminating with a 14-day trip to Israel
in December 2024.
You do not have to commit to the trip
to be part of their Life Group.

Click on the button below to request their zoom link
and also to find out when their next zoom meeting will be.
You can also email Pastor Chuck
at pastorchuck@newhopewaikoloa.org